Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Sunny Sunday

It has been awhile since I have sat down to share with you. I am sorry about that! We have been very busy this weekend. The weather was crummy on Thursday and Friday, but today it is absolutely gorgeous outside. Matthew is out in a turkey blind with Papa and Pappy, one of the hunters that are visiting us this weekend. Dave is out with the other two hunters and Gracie and Aaron are still sleeping, so I am taking a few minutes to update our blog.

Since I last wrote we have had a tornado watch, another blizzard, rain, wind and snow. I am ready for winter to really be over. I would love to start planting but every time I think about buying some flowers, there is snow in the forecast! Soon, I hope, it will happen. Our yard needs some color!

Yesterday we celebrated Dave's grandpa Elmer's 90th birthday. He is such a wonderful man, still so full of life. Elmer and Toni have such a wonderful legacy. They combined two families to total nine children and they are such an amazing family. They were all here this weekend, even Dave's cousin's with the exception of two were here. There were about 60 of them total. It so much fun to be with them all. What a blessing to be a part of such a loving and caring family.

Well, I have a party to plan for this evening so I better get moving. We are having a Cinco de Mayo celebration at Common Ground this evening, I hope to have pictures to share tomorrow. Have a wonderful sunny day, well, I hope it is sunny where you are!

God Bless!

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