Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas and Give-Away Winner

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating Christ's birth with friends and family. I am always so grateful for this time of year. There are so many reasons for it, but more than anything I love being with family. I was amazed at the peace I felt this year sitting at the dinner table at my in-laws' listening to all six cousins talk at once to someone and everyone at the same time. That is what family is. I am so glad to have most of my family here at the moment. Unfortunately most of the snow has melted and there is no sledding to occupy the kids time.


I am sorry this is a day late ( I was enjoying my family's company too much to sit at the computer). I had eight names to draw from and the winner was Erika. Thank you so much to everyone who commented, I always love to hear from you. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed new year and I hope you are able to stay warm during these winter months even if you don't have an English Toffee Mocha to keep you warm. Snuggle up close to someone you love and stay warm!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wondering if your puppies have arrived?!?! :)
